Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jumping in: Feature on Heartsy tomorrow!

**Update 4/3 - I'm live now! **

I've been talking to the folks at Heartsy the past few days to work out a deal for a one-time offer on their site (think Groupon for handmade). They are very new, changing the rules day by day, clearly a start up but they are on to something. They were already featured on the Today Show this week. I've done the math and for a major advertising burst I think I can swing it - once! More importantly, I'd rather do it than not, and always wonder what if....

And this morning, the #1 seller of handmade on Etsy was featured - Anderson Soap Company (lovely bath and body soap shop). If established, successful shops are seeing it as a worthwhile venture, heck why not! (Or maybe they are just curious...meh! I'd rather find out the hard way than not know!)

So, after a few days of back and forth, I'll be up tomorrow with a special deal, check back here for the link, or sign up here now and you'll get the email from Heartsy in the morning.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Well GOOD LUCK then, Young Lady :)
    I wish you the best success with this. Your jewelry is more then amazing :) Seems like you have found something that I have not, a nich'e, or better yet something handmade that sells! Something ALL us Estysians want!
    One day, or I will have a ton of jewelry :) and I really dont mind :)
